Newly added and updated
Far too many obituaries (under Absent Friends tab)
Trailblazers (under Newspapers tab)
- February 1963
- April 1963
- November 1964
- December, 1964
- Final 1964
Articles about the Gerard’s opening
Nicki’s Redcoat Rumblings added under “Misc” tab.
Yearbooks converted to flipbooks.
If you have any memorabilia you’d like to share, please use the “Contact” link on the left and we’ll make arrangements to get it uploaded.
20 February, 2022
Bourgade volunteer archivist/historian Steve Hoza (see Feb. 2 post below) has shared a few Gerard/Bourgade pics. You can check them out in the Photos tab or use this link
Thank you Steve!
If anyone has any memorabilia they wish to share, click the “Contact” link in the left column and drop a note.
2 February, 2022
Hey fellow Redcoats, we received a message from Steve Hoza, the volunteer archivist/historian at Bourgade for the past 15 years. Steve is writing a book on the history of Bourgade, and one chapter will be on the Gerard rivalry. He’s looking for Gerard alumni to interview who may have stories they wish to share. If you’d like to share memories with Steve, you can contact him at
You can check out Steve’s Bourgade Archive Library at